Thursday, July 21, 2011

Let's Talk Peaches

I know Georgia is know for its peaches, but you can't get any better peach than up here in Pennsylvania!  I wait all winter for these babies to come in.  My favorite fruit.  I don't bake them or anything else.  I just love to eat them!

 There are orchards all over Adams County with these hanging on the trees.  All kinds too.  This past week my girlfriend and I went out to get some and they have one called a Doughnut Peach.  Little peach packed full of flavor and juicy as all get out!
My youngest son, Brian loves peaches but he won't eat them unless they are peeled.he doesn't like the fuzz on the skin.  Says it gives him the chills.  Well in the heat we are having here in PA. the chills might feel good! 

1 comment:

  1. Those sound good...thinking this weekend is going to be a weekend to get me some produce. Hubby doesn't like the skin either, but I do...I like to take peaches and slice them and put them in the freezer until they get icy...Yummy! Specially in this heat.



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